Sunday, March 27, 2011

Blog #6 What are two ways a population can grow even if the birth rate declines?

Immigration to the U.S definitley increases its population in large amounts of numbers. Immigration does not have nothing to do with the variable of birth rate. Immigration has always been a big deal with the U.S. So when a natural disaster happens in another country or even if war breaks out in another country U.S gives the people the chance to come in the U.S. So for Example, if a big earthquake happens in Mexico and they are in great danger many Mexicans would come to the U.S and that would significantly increase the population.

Death Rate-
Another situation where birth rate decline but population can grow is if there is a less mortality rate. So if less people die there will be more people that are alive so that will make it more likel for them to grow up and live longer


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